Friday, May 23, 2008


Hey everyone,

Sorry I have been away for a while but I had been feeling off as of late. Now though, let's get down to business.

Today's topic is Patriotism. What is it? We always talk about historical figures that were Patriots. Grand personas that defied all odds and overcame the enemy be they foreign or domestic to do what is right for their country.

What is a Patriot to you? Is a Patriot someone who fights for their country?

Betrand Russell said

Patriots always talk of dying for their country, and never of killing for their country.

How true is this quote? In situations like WWI or WWII it seemed clear who the enemy was. The enemy was the person across the sea, attacking our allies, attacking us.

The enemy sits in the Kremlin. He chants for the Fatherland. He is here to destroy us, so we must defend ourselves now.

but....that was years ago.

I like to think to be a Patriot is not something negative at all. Even to other countries. A Patriot doesn't mean you are a flag waving fool, ready to obey anything your Government tells you. A Patriot is someone who cares about their country enough to question even their countrymen. They can see the morality of ther actions, even if it is for the benefit of their countrymen, but at the cost of others.

A Patriot is not someone who follows blindly. A Patriot is a thorn in the side of politics. A Patriot is the ache in the bones of an old Monarch. A Patriot is a renegade, a rebel, a revolutionary, a man, a woman, a child, an idea, an ideal....Patriotism is dissent.

“The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little rebellion now and then.” -Thomas Jefferson


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Water....A Human Right?

Here is a simple question for you: Is water a human right? If so, why?

You answer it? Good.

Canada with the support of the United States does not believe so. In turn the UN declared that water is not a human right.

I know, you are abosolutely offended right?

Here is another question: Would you gladly ship away massive amounts of your freshwater to other countries?

Did your answer stay the same?

In Bolivia there has been blood shed over water. Primarily corporations trying to own water. I mean if it is not a human right, you can own it right?

Thoughts anyone?


A new Cold War is taking shape, around energy and food.

Hello everybody,

OK what I want to talk about today is the global food crisis. If none of you out there have noticed the cost of rice has doubled over the years. The question is why?

Rice is one of the most if not the most essential grain to humans all over the world. Over 60 percent of the world's population relies on rice to feed them.

In Haiti, Egypt, Botswana and places all over the world the population have been rioting and protesting because the once affordable grain of rice is becoming scarce.

With the world depending on Oil we have placed ourselves into a corner. Oil is literally in everything, from the gas in our cars to the plastic bags we get at the grocery store. The oil peak theory of 35 years ago has come true and the world powers are scrambled to stay in power.

With all the oil we as a race are using we have created a chain effect of mayhem. The oil consumption has caused global warming which in turn has raised alarm for alternative energy. The U.S. are promoting their biofuels which uses corn as their main source for these biofuels.

It takes 232kg of corn to produce 50 litres of biofuel for a car.....................that's right, 232 KG!

Its just not efficient, what is worse is that the corn fields are replacing rice fields all over the world starving people to death just so we can drive our SUV's. It has already started in the poorest nations on earth and trust me it will catch up with us in the privileged world.

The world in turn needs more space for farm land so forests all over the world are being cut down to make more room for the growing population and energy consumption.

A new Cold War is taking shape, around energy and food.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Sister Blog!

Hello everybody!

Ok guys and gals me and a friend have started a sister blog that focuses on our feelings moreso than anything else. Stories, Poems, Thoughts, Imagination all inspired by real life.

If you have the time please check it out!

Thank you again


Monday, March 31, 2008

Can this be true?

So I was reading and I came across this line...

" Isolation is the optimum environment for creativity. "

Is this true? Can this be what is holding us all back? The distractions of life?

Thoughts Please.


To be left alone

Hello All,

I was surfing on the web about daily news and such and I came across this.

It is an article stating that Russian Intelligence has noticed a build up of US activity along the borders of Iran and how the honchos might be considering a strike.

Again this all just alleged.

Realistically though, what can Iran really do to a country thousands of kilometres away? And what possible motive would they have for doing anything at all?

Finally...why are the US there in the first place? Who made them the police of the world?

Just some legitimate questions that I had... Any Answers?


Thought Update

Hello everybody!

Sorry I have not updated in awhile but what with No Rooz (First day of Spring), getting sick and the final haul in school I have been quite busy. For this Post I wanna talk about self motivation. I'll be honest, it is probably the hardest thing in the world. To me there is no such thing as something that is impossible. People that say certain things are impossible just view that certain goal as too much investment of time of either time or effort to be of any value.

Perfect example of this is me during the past week. I have had quite a full plate for the past 7 days and I will be honest, it is hard for me to get up and do anything. Take school for example. I am finding extremely difficult to not only get studying done, but to even care about the end result. It is not the subjects that I am learning, I love all the subjects that I am taking. I love learnind in general. It seems to be the mundane and completely robotic atmosphere that I seem to be exposed to every week. By no means am I blaming anyone or anything to my lack of drive as of late. My Profs are great and so are my classmates. I do not however enjoy the bureaucratic game of jumping through hoops for my University. The more I am in University the more it seems like that piece of paper that I will get at the end of my studies is more important than any sort of actual knowledge.

I am wondering whether deep down this is effecting my drive. Maybe I am wrong. Most likely I am reading way too much into my state of being. In fact it doesn't even matter whether I am right or not. The fact is when all is said and done only thing counts.


It's about rising to meet the challenge. There comes a point when doing anything where you hit a brick wall and you have nothing but a hammer in your hand to knock it down. I guess this is where that old saying

"Patience is a virtue"

Comes in.

In any case what I am trying to say is that YOU are your greatest ally and biggest foe all at the same time. So knowing this, which one are you going to choose?
